Friday, April 23, 2010

Dieting...What's the obsession?

I'm in a funny mood. Luis has been eating applesauce, ice cream and mashed potatoes all week while I have eaten ice cream, mac & cheese, Ramon noodles and Lean cuisine meals - basically carbs, sodium and more carbs. Now, I feel the need to write about dieting.

I don't do the whole dieting thing. However, I am conscious of what I put in my mouth and I like to eat "healthy" and try to stay fit. However, from the many diets I've been made aware of by friends, facebook, the book store and Oprah, I know there are MILLIONS to choose from. This is a fact. And this, in itself, should be enough to scare all of us from one specific "diet."

A quick google search and, to no surprise, I came up with about 20,200,000 pages of dieting options. There are dieting options for anything and everything. I thought I would share a few I came across today:
weight (ex: Atkins), heart health , weight & heart (ex: South Beach), vegetarian diets, teens, 2 days, 5 days, 7 days, 14 days, counting carbs, counting calories, liquid only, high protein, holiday diet, dieting on the go, etc. etc. etc. I could go on for days. No wonder women go insane!!!

I need to talk about the Atkins diet. This is the most bizarre thing I have ever heard of. I'm blown away. For breakfast: eggs and bacon; For lunch: broiled cheeseburger and salad; For dinner: fried pork chops, broccoli with butter and a salad. And for a snack, salami with cream cheese.
WHAT?!?! You must be kidding me!! Somehow, (although, I don't get it) you may lose some weight but by age 35 you're having heart complications. (I'm sorry, this diet makes me really angry.)

What about counting points (calories or carbs)?? Now, maybe this one works if you are EXTREMELY organized and good at documenting everything you do; or you are going to buy all the meals from a commercial and never go out to eat. I don't know how people can think about anything besides food if this is their diet of choice though. Wouldn't you be counting all day?? "I had three M&M's, that's 5 points, plus a banana, 6 points, for lunch tuna, 15 points, for a snack, celery, that's MINUS 2 points, had a flavored water, 4.75 points....crap, I forgot my scale, not sure how much oatmeal this is...I'm guessing 4 ounces which equals 7.5 points..."
Now, that might be an exaggeration, but that's how I imagine my brain if I were counting calories.

Ok, I'm done venting about diets I've never tried.

The one diet I am most familiar with is the South Beach diet and this one seems reasonable. Luis was told to do this by his doctor because his cholesterol was a little high. We bought the book and I did a little bit of research on this one. The worst part is NO CARBS for the first week. But, it makes sense because it breaks our addiction to carbs (this may mean chocolate, bread or sugary fruits). Your meals consist mainly of baked fish & chicken, skin dairy products and vegetables. Now living by this diet for your entire life - I say, impossible - but if you're worried about your heart, it makes sense. The South Beach diet, for us, taught us to eat "right." It was just a nice change to introduce us to other options.

For now, my major dilemma is Milk. I believe milk is not the healthiest thing for us to drink. It has too much fat, puss and whatever else they can squeeze from a cow and make it look white and normal (I apologize if that was too graphic). And then there is soy milk - it, on the other hand is delicious and I could drink it like water; BUT it has too much estrogen so WATCH OUT and be sure to stretch if you drink too much of it! And then, what about organic milk? I think it's the "best" but then, go ahead and do a google search on organic milk; of course SOMEONE has SOMETHING negative to say about it, and besides, it's just too darn expensive for a couple of newlyweds! So how do you choose?

OK, I'm done with this blog. I apologize for how random it was :)

OH! If you are wondering, my expert opinion : a normal, healthy diet. Bright colors are always good and if you understand what the ingredients are, you should be pretty safe.

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